
Mithril x Avian: Zero Trust Digital Forensics and eDiscovery

Industry: Information Technology
Use Case: Digital Forensics and eDiscovery

Who is Avian

Avian is a Danish company providing Digital Forensics and eDiscovery technology and services. They provide solutions to assist investigators and analysts so they can gain insights into digital evidence such as e-mails, scanned documents, and photos.
They enable data management and analysis while ensuring traceability and compliance for the use of evidence in legal proceedings. Avian products are used by Law Enforcement, Intelligence, and Defense organizations in Scandinavia.

Main findings

  • Avian, in collaboration with Mithril Security, launched a secure, 'zero-trust' eDiscovery SaaS, enabling the instant deployment of Digital Forensics labs with data protection during transfer, storage, and analysis.
  • The use of secure VMs facilitated data encryption during analysis and offered hardware guarantees, preventing third-party access, proving that stringent security doesn't have to compromise operational efficiency.


Avian, until now, has offered its solution exclusively on-premise, providing the necessary security measures for its clients. However, the maintenance of this system required a substantial engineering workload. The infrastructure setup for on-premise solutions not only demands time investment from the client but also discourages the client's transition from one solution to another due to its complexity. Specific hardware requirements are also a considerable hurdle for deploying LLM-based features within Avian's solution.

For these reasons, Avian needed to find a way to offer a SaaS solution that addresses the client's concerns around transmitting sensitive data to the cloud.

Our solution

Avian, in collaboration with Mithril Security, has been able to develop a zero-trust iteration of Avian Cloud. Clients can now deploy Avian's Digital Forensics solution in minutes, free of technical barriers, and with no increased risk of data exposure. With the zero-trust Avian Cloud, data undergoes analysis within secure environments entirely under the client's control. This way, clients keep full ownership of their data, which is only processed in a dedicated Virtual Private SaaS (created with secure VMs leveraging AMD-SEV) hosted by Avian. Data is end-to-end protected and never exposed in clear to Avian or Mithril.


The partnership between Avian and Mithril Security provided significant benefits:

Reduced time-to-value with a complete SaaS application

Onboarding risk-averse organizations while providing SaaS offer

Reduce cybersecurity exposure to data leakage risk

Great model performance thanks to the latest hardware/software available on Public Cloud.


"With the help of Mithril Security, we can now leverage LLMs to help analysts speed up investigations with a powerful chat interface while ensuring maximal data privacy. Now, customers' private documents are not even exposed to our Cloud. This helps us provide the most advanced platform for Digital Forensics, with the security of on-prem deployment, but the scalability and flexibility of SaaS to reduce our costs."

CEO, Avian

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